Ticket News
  • Tickets for April will be available to purchase on Monday the 3rd of March at 9am.


The policy applies to all staff, management, volunteers, participants and public. The farm has a duty to provide and maintain a safe working environment which is inclusive and accessible for all. The farm is committed to ensuring equal opportunity, fair treatment and adhere to the Equality Act 2010.
All policies and procedures will reflect the farm’s commitment to inclusivity, and it will be incorporated into planning processes. An ethos of fairness and respect will be created that embraces all visitors and staff.
The farm will ensure fair treatment regardless of any of the prohibited characteristics including:
Race, nationality, sex, gender, marital status, maternity, abilities, physical and mental health, age, sexuality, religious or political beliefs, socio-economic group, trade union activity or being an ex-offender.
Ensure all activities are inclusive to staff, volunteers and visitors, based on the task and their abilities.
Develop opportunities that consider patterns of under-representation, with a view to encouraging greater diversity within activities and visitor accessibility.
Regularly monitor and review the policy operation, identify and address any issues, ensure fairness in all terms and conditions.
The farm welcomes people with a range of abilities or other additional needs, plus ensures information communicates a commitment to inclusivity.
The farm is striving to achieve good disabled access.
Diversity is welcomed in all farm staff, volunteers and participants. It expects all work should be done in ways to promote inclusive practice, creating an atmosphere that is tolerant and respectful of differences.
A commitment to equal opportunities is expected of all staff.
The following government legislation provides a framework for policy and practice:
Equality Act 2010, Children and families Act 2014, GPDR May 2018, Working Time Regulations 1998, Part-Time Workers (Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment) Regulations 2000, Fixed Time Workers (Prevention of Less Favorable Treatment) Regulations 2001.
All members of Dumble Farm have a responsibility to comply with all the current legislation and with this policy.
The undersigned will take necessary steps to ensure implementation of the Equality and Diversity policy on behalf of Dumble Farm Limited.
Fiona Wilson