Ticket News
  • Tickets for April will be available to purchase on Monday the 3rd of March at 9am.



A child is any person under the age of 18 years. 

A vulnerable adult is defined as having need for care and support; therefore unable to protect themselves from the risk of or the experience of neglect or abuse.

Safeguarding concerns could take the form of bullying, coercive behaviour, domestic violence, emotional abuse, female genital mutilation, financial abuse, forced marriage, modern slavery, neglect, online abuse, physical abuse, radicalisation, sexual abuse, child sexual exploitation or trafficking.

Dumble Farm is committed to keeping children and vulnerable adults safe and protecting them from harm. Children and vulnerable adults have a right to be protected and cared for. At Dumble Farm it is everyone’s duty to ensure that children and vulnerable adults are kept safe from harm in a secure and supportive environment. Safeguarding is an essential part of our approach to ensure children and vulnerable adults are protected from neglect or abuse, this could be physical, emotional or sexual.

We consider the wellbeing of children and vulnerable adults that visit Dumble Farm. This means we are aware of the things we see and hear from them that might indicate they are at risk from harm or have been exposed to harm or neglect.

We recognise that all children and vulnerable adults regardless of race, age, disability, gender reassignment, sex, religion, belief or sexual orientation have an equal right to protection from neglect or abuse. 

Dumble Farm understand the need to work with teachers, parents, carers and children to promote the welfare of young people and vulnerable adults.

We recognise that some children and adults may be more vulnerable because of dependency, communication, additional needs or past experiences and that extra safeguards may be needed. 


Dumble Farm staff will:

Treat everyone with whom they come into contact with respect, valuing and listening to them.

Ensure safeguarding best practice is adopted in all policies.

Keep their private and public relationships with the public separate.

Ensure there is never a single member of staff left alone with any member of an at-risk group.

Exercise caution when discussing sensitive subjects with children or vulnerable adults. 

Treat and handle safeguarding information securely when storing, sharing or accessing the information. Information access must respect GDPR. 

Take action swiftly if any allegations against staff or volunteers are made.

Only touch members of the public when strictly necessary, for example when administering first aid.

Exercise their right to whistleblow if they are concerned safeguarding issues are being mismanaged or ignored.

Always maintain confidentiality including with family and friends.

Take any information seriously, listen and report to the relevant child protection officer.

Ensure all members of staff are recruited safety and are familiar with the safeguarding policies and procedures. 

Obtain consent from parents or carers to film or photograph children or vulnerable adults taking part in an activity. 

Avoid putting themselves in a situation that might lead to an allegation of misconduct.


Any matter of concern will be reported to Fiona Wilson, the nominated child protection lead. The information will then be passed on to the parent, carer or school’s child protection officer. 

fwilson861@gmail.com  07949308203

In case of the requirement of further advice or investigation contact  LADO – Local Authority Designated Officer at East Riding Council. siobhan.bath@eastriding.gov.uk